
Board of Trustees: In all Academy Trusts, the individuals appointed to challenge and scrutinise the strategic direction and day to day running of the company, in association with the Executive Head Teacher, have three functions:

  • They are Directors – because the MAT is a company, and;
  • They are Trustees – because the MAT is a charity, and;
  • They are Governors – because the MAT is responsible for running the schools.

This can be very confusing as the documentation used to set up the Academy Trust and the Department for Education guidance for Academies uses these three titles interchangeably, depending on the context. In TSP, this role is simply called ‘Trustee’. Trustees are made up of a diverse range of individuals. The Members will always appoint Trustees.


Register of trustees pecuniary interests can be found here :-

Details of pecuniary interests for other academies in the trust can be found on the academy website:

Ex- officio

Jim Bowyer

Jim Bowyer


Sue Valentine-Swallow

Sue Valentine-Swallow


Phil Spall

Phil Spall

Member of Finance Committee

Nikki Marzec

Nikki Marzec

Safeguarding Trustee

Debbie Turner

Debbie Turner

Member of Finance Committee

Karen Frazer

Karen Frazer


Julian Brown

Julian Brown

SEND Trustee

Gary Telford

Gary Telford



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Delapre Learning Centre, Northampton, NN4 8EN, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1604 662250

Our Vision is to Provide access to personalised education and lifelong learning for pupils and young people with medical and mental health needs, accepting the whole child and providing hope to them and their family for an optimistic future, enabling them to make progress and achieve their full potential.

Together we can

Company No.  10992368