Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Safeguarding practice in all academies within The Skylark Partnership MAT are quality assured. The DSLs are held to account by the safeguarding link governor from Local Advisory Body and the head teacher will performance manage the DSLs. Independent safeguarding audits will be commissioned annually in order to quality assure processes.

Local Advisory Bodies will receive safeguarding reports from DSLs each term. The scrutiny of these reports will be led by the link safeguarding governor. They will also work with the independent safeguarding consultant during the audit processes.

The Safeguarding Link Trustee will gather information to report back to the trust board so they have a clear picture of safeguarding across the trust.

Trust board holds standards committee and chief accounting officer to account.


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Delapre Learning Centre, Northampton, NN4 8EN, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1604 662250
E: enquiries@skylarkpartnershiptrust.co..uk

Our Vision is to Provide access to personalised education and lifelong learning for pupils and young people with medical and mental health needs, accepting the whole child and providing hope to them and their family for an optimistic future, enabling them to make progress and achieve their full potential.

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Company No.  10992368